At my bother's place
Saturday and weekend!
I woke up really early today, 10 a.m. I'm supprised myself. So in about 2 hours I'll start walking to the train. I've almost packed everything necessary. This morning I've just listened to a lot of great music. You know what? KAT-TUN is releasing a new single: Change ur World. And the preview is just GREAT! The new song will be out on 17th of November! Soo looking forward it :-)
Since I'm going to stay at my brothers place this weekend I've made some back-up. I've got some movies to watch tonight. You know what it is? I wanted a classic movie so I've got Lord of The Rings. Well I'm not a fan of Science Fictions but I loved those movies when I was small and I haven't watched them in years. So tonight will be a film marathon!
But at least I'll get to my practice :-)
So for now I'm going to take a hot shower before going to bed. I fell asleep when I was reading manga. Haha. So I guess that's all from me today. But tomorrow I'll have more time to blog. :-)

Ikuta Toma
I have thought about to write about something new, and quite a while ago I figured out to write about my favorite actors, some of them are also great musicians. So first out is Ikuta Toma! The first Drama series I saw him in is Hana Kimi. Which Is also starring one of my favourite maleactor and female actress: Oguri Shun and Maki Horikita. But they will I write about in a later entry instead. So here are some information about Ikuta Toma and some pictures!
This category will be put in the "Anime, Manga & Drama"-category to the right!
Toma Ikuta 生田 斗真 |
Born: October 7, 1984 (1984-10-07)(age 26) Hometown: Noboribetsu, Hokkaido, Japan |
Here are also a couple of the dramas he has starred in:
* Hanazakari No Kimitachi E ~Ikemen Paradise~ (July 2007 - September 2007) as Shuichi Nakatsu
* Hana Yori Dango 2 (Returns) (January 2007) as Junpei Oribe
* Mao (July - September 2008) as Naoto Serizawa
* VOICE ~Inochi Naki Mono no Koe~ (12 January - March 2009) as Ryōsuke Ishimatsu
* Honey & Clover (January - March 2008) as Yūta Takemoto
* Majo Saiban ~Witch Trial~ (25 April 2009) as Toru Yoshioka
I've only watched Hana Kimi which he starred in as Nakatsu Shuichi and Hana Yori Dango (the Japanese version of Boys Before Flowers) as Oribe Junpei. But he sure is great and really captivating!
For more information about him or his dramas/movies : check out this website.
Hilarious teachers, or what?
Well and today. I came to school in my soft outfit. And guess what? When I came to school. The Style and Trends, did a lot of different facemasks, handmassage and god knows what. But it was just so relaxing. It was like beeing to a spa in the school!
Afterwards the Hairdressers did a hairtreatment to the Style and Trends. And it sure was fun :-)

Monday's Hairdresspictures.

Well as you can see I did the hair a little bit to high and a little different, but I just didn't remember how she looked since it was over 1 month ago since we watched the movie. But except that I'm quite proud of my styling since I've never done anyting like that!
Since I'm already talking about hair I think I forgot to tell you about that I've finished about 2 weeks ago my vertical hairpiece and is now cutting on a profile instead!

(You can also see the verticalpiece in the background. I think it's great to start on a small piece so you learn how to control all the hair!)
Good morning! I just havn't had time to blog. I've been just sooo busy all the time. Yesterday I were in school, afterwards I studied 3-4 hours, and then had kendopractice. So when I came home I was just so tired that I went to sleep. And today I'll probalby won't have time either since I've eveningcourses. But maybe I'll have time when I'll come home.
I had just an horrible nightmare you know what it was? I dreamed that I shaved my head. Oh gosh how horrible >__<
Well seeya later then!
Came back from practice a while ago and it didn't go that well. My wrist does still hurt and my koncentration was really bad. Well, well. Hopefully it will go better at thuesday instead.
Today are my plans to clean my bedroom. Study some hair & skin chemistry, and some hiragana.
And if I have time over I will sew the rest of the new sweater that I started with yesterday. So when it's finished I will show you some pictures!
And also if I have the time over I'll write something alot more interesting (imo). :-) So til' then! :-)
Finally alive.
Well I've just watched the latest episode of Bleach (now it really is getting more exciting), the number of episodes are already at 293. And now the story is about to get to the grand final!
After that I watched the 2 new episodes of the 2nd season of Hakuouki. Gosh it was so gooooood *_*. And as a I suspected they've changed their image. But it still was great!

Well since I watched out the Ookami Kakushi anime a acouple of weeks ago. I'll have to start with a new one. Lately I've been only watching dramas but now I consider to watch Kin'iro No Chord Primo Passo!

Maybe later, I'll write something more special instead!
Hakuouki: Hekketsu - Roku
This is the new promopic, and I also think the characters are slight bit different. don't you think?

So today we only had 4 hours of Hairdressingsubjects. After that I had 3 hours before next class. So I went down to the city and the library. I borrowed a lot of new books, most of them is Manga as usually. ^-^
Afterwards we had art and design. We were supposed to do a map to keep our stuff in. But there were some rules. My theme of the book is connected to Totoro, but it isn't Totoro either. Might know what it is? :-)

In School
Now I only have 2 lessons left: English and ARL. Nice! :-)
See you later!
Good Morning Lovely Thuesday
Well in about 15 minutes I'll start going to the trainstation since I as usually have school. But after school it's time for practice! Swoosch, I'm so excited after the weekend of competitions! I'll go all out tonight!
Here's a great song for you to listen to, since the weather is so cold. Music sure lightens up your mood!
New week
How's your day been?<3
A looooong weekend with just kendo!
Henrik went as long as Mathias did but he also lost on the way to the final since the opponent was though.
And today Henrik and Anders (my trainers) did take the Exam. And both passed! Only 8 of 21 persons passed. So that's was great for them to receive 1th and 2th Dan.
I've taken about 250 pictures and about 50 movies! So they will come up as soon as I have time for it!
Hope your weekend has been as good as mine!

Almost done packing
Now I'm almost done packing. I'm always out in the last second to pack my stuff. But there are a quite few things left to pack. So as I mentioned earlier. I'll leave at 5.30 so in the car to Stockholm I'll probably blog a bit since it will take 1 ½ hour and now I'm able to take my computer with me also :-)
Hope you'll have a great and cousy friday and a great weekend! :-)
I've made myself a packlist so I won't forget anything. I also need to do my Japanesehomework and if possible I'll bring a computer with me. I will also bring a kamera so I can make sure to take some photos. It's gonna be AMAZING.
The only con about this is that I'll have to go to bed around 19.00 since we're leaving home at 5.30 and at 4.30 I'll have to up as the latest time.
But tomorrow will just be totally awesome I'm so looking forward to it. Yaaaay! *-*

New Design
After school I went to the library and read a couple of books. That was nice ^-^ And after 3 hours I went to the university for my Japanese Class. It was awesome of course. Masayo-sensei did even let me borrow her Japanese Fashion Magazine *-*
So now I'll just go to bed and tomorrow I'll be home around 14.00. So then I'll update with something funnier instead. :-)

Good evening. I'm right now at the library as usually. I took the small laptop with me so I won't be bored. I've been studying Hiragana for about 2 hours. And now it's finish and ready for tomorrow's class!
I'm going to the Kendo in about 25 minutes or so, and before the weather were so nice and hot that you almost couldn't breathe or even sit by the window. But now it's so cloudy and looks totally cold. .___.
What's up with you people?:-)
^Here is some old pictures of my club team members!
Smell ya : D
Tropic Thunder
Me and my dad is right now watching Tropic Thunder. We bought some pizza and donuts and just having a good time.
Tomorrow I won't start school until 11.30, so tonight I'll watch a couple of episodes of Cartoon KAT-TUN! :-)

After that I left my cellphone at reparation since it's something with the battery. So meanwhile I got myself a new phone. It's also a LG but its a KP900 cookie-pink.
My oldphone:

The new one:

And after that we went to our summerhouse in the countryside. It was supposed that some of the woods were cut down. But now it was ALL gone. It's was truly terrible to watch since I really loved the old forest. :-(
And back at home I made a dessert, applepie. It was delicious ^-^ So later on this day I'll study som Japanese and watch the 3 final episodes of Boys Before Flowers.
Time for bed

So see you tomorrow :-)

Playstation 3 gaming
But after that my father came home with alot of new games to our new playstation 3 (that he bought together with a 50" LG LCD FULL HD Tv, 1 ½ week ago!)
First I played Mini Ninjas, IT WAS SO AWESOME, I enjoyed it so much. You run around and fighting as a ninja against samurai's. Haha, it was just pure epicness!<3

The next game I played was: Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Storm. The 2nd mission was so difficult >_< But it was also fun! :-) I haven't either seen the anime or reading the manga, but the game was good.

After that one I played: Rag Doll Kung Fu. It was also fun, nothing special to tell about it. You're using a stick to fight your opponent. That sure was fun :-)

And the last but not least game I played was: Ninja Gaiden Sigma. THAT WAS ALSO COOL! You run around as a muscular ninja guy, that can run on walls and the fighting was great, so many attacks. The game was feeling very real.

Now you might know what kind of games I like ^-^ But there is one game I would like to play but I can't find any site that sells it: Samurai Champloo The Game (love the anime!).
Godmorgon, ehm, evening!
Hi, I just woke up an hour ago around 15.40. Guess if it was nice? I love to sleep away the day! I'm rather a night person than day. My whole summerholiday I went to sleep around 10.00 in the morning and slept until 19.00 in the evening. Those sure were the days!
But for now I'm planning to watch some film series, and these are the one's I'm choosing between:
Harry Potter: Movie 1-6
Pirates of The Caribbean: Movie 1-3
The Lord of The Ring: Movie 1-3
Hayao Miyazaki Movie Box #1
I feel so nostalgic around these movies, so I feel most likely to watch the Pirates of The Caribbean, right now, since I haven't watched those for ages. :-)
What's up with you folks?:-)

^Look what I found in the archive! Over a year old picture from when my hair was black (Had it for 3 years!) and almost red (it disapperad ;o). Oh I loved my haircut cuz' it was so nice to have it short, but now I want my platinablond hair to grow out long and nice! :-)
In School once again...
So since it's friday, what am I supposed to do? Hmm... Maybe some drama, and anime! And of course Kendo at Sunday! :-D
How is your weekend looking like?

Oyasuminasai! <3
Purikura online
Now you can take purikura pictures without being in Asian. You can do it trough the computer. Here's a sample of my purikura, but as you can see, the picture is quite dark, that's because I have very bad lightning in my bedroom! All you need is a webcam and a little time!
You can do your own and better purikura here!
In School
See ya tonight!

I will be back home around 22.00, so I will probably not blog anymore today since I'm always exhausted after 3 hours of practice. So til' then, have a great day!

Jang Geun Suk & Park Shin Hye
In the previous posts there is the cover of Without Words. But here are the both originally versions since it was made for both Jang Geun Suk & Park Shin Hye. It sure is such a nice song!
Jang Geun Suk:
Park Shin Hye:
Re-designing the blog
Since I won't attend school until tomorrow I can stay up for some hours more. I haven't done anything that I planned to, so now I will look at the next episode of Boys Before Flowers!<3
Translating it to English
Ok, first off is my favourite cover. It's a girl that has translated one of my favourite songs from Korean to English and made a cover on it. The song's truly great and so is she, since the song is from the first drama I've watched and that is pure epicness:
Måndag igen då.