Hilarious teachers, or what?
Hello! It must be that we on HV has the best teachers. You know what they did yesterday? We were supposed to hang out with the seniors of HV so since we are 150 girls and 1 guy, our teachers that is aswell only women. They made up and event for us. But it sure wasn't normal. They lead us onto the grassfield in front of the biggest mainbuilding and you know what they were wearing? They were all dressed as witches and they took out a musicbooster and started to dance on the lawn? AND EVERYBODY ON THE 3 FLOORS OF THE MAINBUILDING WAS WATCHING! Hahaha they must have thought that we were the retardparty. Well I do understand when everybody was dancing and singing: Stirr the pot, Stirr the pot. Pick the mushroom, Pick the mushroom. Well we also did play a few games and I was sacrificed as the only freshman, hahaha! But we won ^-^
Well and today. I came to school in my soft outfit. And guess what? When I came to school. The Style and Trends, did a lot of different facemasks, handmassage and god knows what. But it was just so relaxing. It was like beeing to a spa in the school!
Afterwards the Hairdressers did a hairtreatment to the Style and Trends. And it sure was fun :-)

Well and today. I came to school in my soft outfit. And guess what? When I came to school. The Style and Trends, did a lot of different facemasks, handmassage and god knows what. But it was just so relaxing. It was like beeing to a spa in the school!
Afterwards the Hairdressers did a hairtreatment to the Style and Trends. And it sure was fun :-)
