Cuz' it's exactly 3 months left today!! (●´∀`)ノ♡

Yesterday was my countdown on 100 days until I move to Japan! I'm feeling so excited and since I haven't been updating at all lately I thought I'm gonna try to upload one picture a day, just for fun and see if I can manage it.

It is so amazing how many readers I have even though it sometimes takes me months to just update one post. But I can promise that this time around. I am going to take so many photos in Tokyo and I'm considering starting with v-logs as a compliment where I can express my feelings at the moment, my thoughts and experiences.

It is so amazing how many readers I have even though it sometimes takes me months to just update one post. But I can promise that this time around. I am going to take so many photos in Tokyo and I'm considering starting with v-logs as a compliment where I can express my feelings at the moment, my thoughts and experiences.
I'm literally drowning in the masses of homework to do, loads of big essays and tests coming up in the next 2-3 weeks. So I am basically going to school, get home to study and go to bed. My days aren't even worth mentioning.
But last friday the Swedish exchange students and some of the Irish ones went out to the city's biggest night club called Pluto. Overall we were 21 people going in, but by the time the club closed we were only 4 people as I was the only Swedish one, lol. But yeah we had a blast and Irish people sure know how to let loose.
Yesterday I paid for my education at ISI. Which makes me one step closer to getting back to Tokyo. Only 149 days left to go and I am feeling quite good about findig so many good apartments in Nakano with cheaper rent and a lot closer to school since they are mostly about 6 minutes away from Shinjuku. (≧∇≦)/
But last friday the Swedish exchange students and some of the Irish ones went out to the city's biggest night club called Pluto. Overall we were 21 people going in, but by the time the club closed we were only 4 people as I was the only Swedish one, lol. But yeah we had a blast and Irish people sure know how to let loose.
Yesterday I paid for my education at ISI. Which makes me one step closer to getting back to Tokyo. Only 149 days left to go and I am feeling quite good about findig so many good apartments in Nakano with cheaper rent and a lot closer to school since they are mostly about 6 minutes away from Shinjuku. (≧∇≦)/

Lazy days
Not that much happening at the moment, I only have 2 more days of the holiday left. And on Monday we will have some Irish exchange studens coming to school, since I among other students from my school went for 3 weeks to Ireland in the end of November.
So I have mostly just been lazying around at home, reading, and watching movies allday trying to study without any results. But also done some reasearch on findig an apartment by the time I move back to Japan. I am considering to live at DK Shiki again like last year for a month until I've found an apartment on my own. The thing is that I really want it as close to the centralpart of town, in my meaning somewhere around ikebukuro/shibuya/harajuku/shinjuku. And the best area I've found is Nakano which some of my friends just moved to. It's only 3 min from Shinjuku by train and would be great for me to live since it's near my school, near my favourite places and close to get home to after a night out. ψ(`∇´)ψ
But of course the rent is quite high around 70'000 yen and up for a 12sqm big room with kitchen and toilet. But at the same time, my transport will be alot cheaper!
Guess we'll see what I shall decide!
But of course the rent is quite high around 70'000 yen and up for a 12sqm big room with kitchen and toilet. But at the same time, my transport will be alot cheaper!
Guess we'll see what I shall decide!
ISI Language School application!
So now I have sent my application for a whole year in Tokyo at ISI Language School. It is the same school that I studied at last summer, and as a bonus I have 10% as a discount this year! I will be noticed next week if I have been accepted! I miss my friends and my whole life back in Japan! So the date is set for the flight at the 18th of June for now!
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

New Year, New Start
So, it's been already half a year since I wrote last time, which was right before I left for Tokyo if I remember correctly. I don't really now what happened with the absent of my writing, I guess I was way to busy and somehow put the blog aside, which I feel now afterwards for my own sake wasn't quite that good. Would have been nice to be able to look back once in a while and read about all the crazy stuff I was doing, the events that occured, the people I met and the feelings I had.
But anyway I have decided to just make a new start this year and hopefully write some entry's quite reguraly. But I will show you the pictures and videos I took when I living in Tokyo and all of the other travels I did during 2012 also, Ireland among others!
Even though it is a little bit to late: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
But anyway I have decided to just make a new start this year and hopefully write some entry's quite reguraly. But I will show you the pictures and videos I took when I living in Tokyo and all of the other travels I did during 2012 also, Ireland among others!
Even though it is a little bit to late: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Had a huge test last week on all of my knowledge in japanese, it was soooo~ hard. So as a last part of the exam I had to write an essay in japanese with different topic! I finished 5.a.m this morning, just gonna say; I _hate_ the grammar! But at least now I'm at least finished with it.

It's now not even 3 weeks left until I'm going to JAPAN! Woooo, feeling excited atm. But before that. It's Uppcon on friday and through the whole weekend!! >;D

It's now not even 3 weeks left until I'm going to JAPAN! Woooo, feeling excited atm. But before that. It's Uppcon on friday and through the whole weekend!! >;D
18th May
Bought my flying tickets to Tokyo 3 days ago. 30th of June is the big day and I booked 2 nights extra to stay in a hotel before leaving home. So the 30th of July I'm going back home. Strangely I don't feel that nervous at all, the only thing that actually worries me is when the I first arrive to Moscow, Russia to change plane towards Japan. I'm quite afraid to miss my flight or so. The other thing that worries me is how I am going to take the metro to my leaving area. I just learned to take the bus in the city a year ago so I wonder how in hell this is gonna go in a city with 35 millions habitants. I currently live in a small society with 2000 people...
Ohwell besides that it is less than a month before Uppcon, bought my train tickets a couple of days ago aswell. I'm really looking forward to it! Except the trip to Tokyo I'm actually going on 2 small travels as well. The 21st of June I'm going with my father to Tallin, Estonia and on August the 16th I'm going with my mother and rest of all the relatives to Riga. So looking forward to ut, this is gonna be the most exciting summer ever!
Especially since I turned 18, 2 weeks ago so now I'm free to do whatever I want!
Ohwell besides that it is less than a month before Uppcon, bought my train tickets a couple of days ago aswell. I'm really looking forward to it! Except the trip to Tokyo I'm actually going on 2 small travels as well. The 21st of June I'm going with my father to Tallin, Estonia and on August the 16th I'm going with my mother and rest of all the relatives to Riga. So looking forward to ut, this is gonna be the most exciting summer ever!
Especially since I turned 18, 2 weeks ago so now I'm free to do whatever I want!
ISI Language School
Got my acceptance letter yesterday from my School in Tokyo. I will be studying at ISI Language School in Takadanobaba, Shinjuku. Not quite sure exactly where I'll be living since I will get those details later before going. I will be studying from 2nd of July to the 27th. So I will be leaving Sweden around the 29th/30th of June. It's finally starting to get real. I'm getting more and more excited!
Yep, 4 days ago I turned in my application to Study International in order to attend a Japanese Language School, in TOKYO! Woohoo, I feel so excited but aswell so nervous. I can't believe I'm finally going after all these years only dreaming about going to this fantastic country some day. And now I'm waiting for the information about where I am going to study and where I am going to live. After that I'm only missing the fly-tickets. I feel so nervous about going to a country just as far away as you can get, on the other side of the planet all by my self, no family and no friends.. I fee anxious about how I am going to communicate. Sure I've got 2 years of Japanese studies but still, I have hard times on the grammar and how to build sentences correctly, and not being able to use my english is aswell a hard matter. But still I don't ever want to miss this chance out.


My New Cellphone
I finally got a new and working cellphone last week. Got it as a random present from my dad. I got really happy since it was my first touch with surf. I have always paid my own cellphones and bills, so this made me really happy! This is how it looks but I am using the blue scale atm with the Bleach strap that I showed in an earlier entry! I love it!

It's sportsbreak here in Sweden and it feels so good not having to go to school for a whole week! The past 4 days have been quite busy. Saturday I went on a tshort cruising to Åland over the day. It wasn't the most exciting trip or so you can say. The bus to the harbour took 3 hours and there were a couple of noisy adults on the bus that had been drinking for a day or so and just couldn't be quiet. On the boat we bought a little in the tax free or rather dad bought alot of candy >:-D. But on the bus ride home there was a really big argument and it ended with the police arriving. Wow so much drama for only like 12 hours?
Well other than that I have been training as usual and finally I am not the only girl in the club. Yesterday we got a new female kendoka!
Tomorrow plans are to work in the Saloon the whole day and stay overnight at my grandpa's place. Need to work for some extra cash, cuz' this month sure haven't been cheap!
It's sportsbreak here in Sweden and it feels so good not having to go to school for a whole week! The past 4 days have been quite busy. Saturday I went on a tshort cruising to Åland over the day. It wasn't the most exciting trip or so you can say. The bus to the harbour took 3 hours and there were a couple of noisy adults on the bus that had been drinking for a day or so and just couldn't be quiet. On the boat we bought a little in the tax free or rather dad bought alot of candy >:-D. But on the bus ride home there was a really big argument and it ended with the police arriving. Wow so much drama for only like 12 hours?
Well other than that I have been training as usual and finally I am not the only girl in the club. Yesterday we got a new female kendoka!
Tomorrow plans are to work in the Saloon the whole day and stay overnight at my grandpa's place. Need to work for some extra cash, cuz' this month sure haven't been cheap!
At Elina's place
Im in Eskilstuna right now over the weekend. Visiting my best friend Elina, we're going to the bowling hall at around 9:30 p.m. The plans until then, watch a movie or something. Don't have anything special to write about. Bought a couple of shoes today at nelly's. Going to show those later on!
Have e nice weekend!
Have e nice weekend!
New Header
As you can see, the design is a mess but I'm working on it. Didn't have a concrete ideá of how it should look so I'm trying around. But I got a new header as you can see at least and I'm pretty satiesfied with it, since I don't know how you usually edit pictures and stuff. I'm on my way to fix the rest but now I atleast know a little bit about how it should look!
Can't even remember when I wrote the last time, but now like half a year later I've got my inspiration back, and I have looooooaaads of stuff that I wanna write about! And I shall also try to re-design my blogg, but I just need to come up with a need ideá for it. So we'll see!
But the greatest thing I wanna tell you guys is: I'M GOING TO TOKYO! Yes indeed! Got my approval from my parents at last! Even though I'm turning 18 in a few months. But at least they got the financial up covered! I'm sooo happy and excited. I will be leaving during the summer and stay there for about 4 weeks to study since I have to get back until the school starts again. And to top if off even better: I'm going to Uppcon this year, got my ticket a couple of weeks ago and Screw is coming. I can't wait!

Can't even remember when I wrote the last time, but now like half a year later I've got my inspiration back, and I have looooooaaads of stuff that I wanna write about! And I shall also try to re-design my blogg, but I just need to come up with a need ideá for it. So we'll see!
But the greatest thing I wanna tell you guys is: I'M GOING TO TOKYO! Yes indeed! Got my approval from my parents at last! Even though I'm turning 18 in a few months. But at least they got the financial up covered! I'm sooo happy and excited. I will be leaving during the summer and stay there for about 4 weeks to study since I have to get back until the school starts again. And to top if off even better: I'm going to Uppcon this year, got my ticket a couple of weeks ago and Screw is coming. I can't wait!

Hey guys, it's been awhile again, sorry. :(
Well I have soooo much to write about, but the thing is that I need to re-design the blog before I even start writing any entries, and right now I am so busy with my working schedule, have been work in a saloon the past week, but instead if you wanna know what happens, you can follow me on my twitter, since I write small entries over there for now.
So you can find my profile here!
Ja ne~
Well I have soooo much to write about, but the thing is that I need to re-design the blog before I even start writing any entries, and right now I am so busy with my working schedule, have been work in a saloon the past week, but instead if you wanna know what happens, you can follow me on my twitter, since I write small entries over there for now.
So you can find my profile here!
Ja ne~
Hi, everyone, haven't been able to update anything for a longer time. School has started and a lot is going on right now. But I have decided to at least try to make a new design on the blog. I'm not so good at it but I thought about re-arrange it a little bit. Make it look a little brighter and perhaps a new header.
I will make sure to upload a lot of my pictures, especially from my travel to Norway, took around 1400 pictures, so I will upload a lot of them as fast as I can.
Thank you for always visiting my site even though I am so bad att updating it. <3
See you soon! :-)
I will make sure to upload a lot of my pictures, especially from my travel to Norway, took around 1400 pictures, so I will upload a lot of them as fast as I can.
Thank you for always visiting my site even though I am so bad att updating it. <3
See you soon! :-)
Just finished the 9 hour road trip from home (Västerås) to Sveg near the Norwegian border. Though the trip were supposed to take about 4-5 hours. But we made 4 stops along the way and tomorrow another trip for about 9 hours awaits ahead of us as we cross over to Norway and continue towards Steinkjer for about 4 nights, visiting some relatives I don't know. Then we go for Trondheim to take the "Hurtigrut" (don't know how to spell even though I am norwegian :-D. It is a really big boat that goes trough the most beautiful nature down to Bergen. Which we then go back upwards by car to Ålesund to visit some other relatives that don't know either. I didn't think I had any relatives before, but now it turned out to that the Vang family is quite big.
Right now we're living in the biggest cottage on the camp, even though it is also really small. It is just by the big lake and it is quite beautiful. I am so happy to have my internet back. My computer can only run for about 4 hours before the battery dies so I had to entertain myself for the rest 5 hours on the road. :-(
Wellwell, don't have that much more to write. Have taken a lot o pictures but I can't upload them now, so I will upload tons of pictures when I come home 2 weeks. At least here is a map so you know how the trip goes.

Right now we're living in the biggest cottage on the camp, even though it is also really small. It is just by the big lake and it is quite beautiful. I am so happy to have my internet back. My computer can only run for about 4 hours before the battery dies so I had to entertain myself for the rest 5 hours on the road. :-(
Wellwell, don't have that much more to write. Have taken a lot o pictures but I can't upload them now, so I will upload tons of pictures when I come home 2 weeks. At least here is a map so you know how the trip goes.

My doggies
Just took a couple of random pictures of my 4 dogs when they were searching for dogsnack. I think the pictures turned out quite good. :-D

31st of May
So I wrote earlier when I were going to Stockholm. The bus started off at 8.20 from the school. The trip took about 1 ½ hour. First we visited Waldemarsudde and Prince Eugene's mansion and flowergarden. I took a couple of pictures from the garden with my cellphone but the pictures turned out quite crappy.

Walked around in the garden for half an hour before we went into the mansion and got a guided tour for like an hour. We watched all of the dresses from the designer Lars Wallin that made for example Linda Pritchard's dress from Melodifestivalen, also the blue dress Carola wore when she won with "En evighet" and a lot of other famous dresses too. It was quite nice to watch all of the dresses but I got quite sick of the Guide she just talked and talked and talked, about 90% was just plain boring. But other than that it was quite nice.

Walked around in the garden for half an hour before we went into the mansion and got a guided tour for like an hour. We watched all of the dresses from the designer Lars Wallin that made for example Linda Pritchard's dress from Melodifestivalen, also the blue dress Carola wore when she won with "En evighet" and a lot of other famous dresses too. It was quite nice to watch all of the dresses but I got quite sick of the Guide she just talked and talked and talked, about 90% was just plain boring. But other than that it was quite nice.