Playstation 3 gaming
Instead of watching movies I decided do edit my e-mail-posts. I had thousands of e-mails that I deleted. I did also move over pictures and music from my computer to my cellphone. So now I have a lot of new music to listen at. ^-^
But after that my father came home with alot of new games to our new playstation 3 (that he bought together with a 50" LG LCD FULL HD Tv, 1 ½ week ago!)
First I played Mini Ninjas, IT WAS SO AWESOME, I enjoyed it so much. You run around and fighting as a ninja against samurai's. Haha, it was just pure epicness!<3

The next game I played was: Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Storm. The 2nd mission was so difficult >_< But it was also fun! :-) I haven't either seen the anime or reading the manga, but the game was good.

After that one I played: Rag Doll Kung Fu. It was also fun, nothing special to tell about it. You're using a stick to fight your opponent. That sure was fun :-)

And the last but not least game I played was: Ninja Gaiden Sigma. THAT WAS ALSO COOL! You run around as a muscular ninja guy, that can run on walls and the fighting was great, so many attacks. The game was feeling very real.

Now you might know what kind of games I like ^-^ But there is one game I would like to play but I can't find any site that sells it: Samurai Champloo The Game (love the anime!).
But after that my father came home with alot of new games to our new playstation 3 (that he bought together with a 50" LG LCD FULL HD Tv, 1 ½ week ago!)
First I played Mini Ninjas, IT WAS SO AWESOME, I enjoyed it so much. You run around and fighting as a ninja against samurai's. Haha, it was just pure epicness!<3

The next game I played was: Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Storm. The 2nd mission was so difficult >_< But it was also fun! :-) I haven't either seen the anime or reading the manga, but the game was good.

After that one I played: Rag Doll Kung Fu. It was also fun, nothing special to tell about it. You're using a stick to fight your opponent. That sure was fun :-)

And the last but not least game I played was: Ninja Gaiden Sigma. THAT WAS ALSO COOL! You run around as a muscular ninja guy, that can run on walls and the fighting was great, so many attacks. The game was feeling very real.

Now you might know what kind of games I like ^-^ But there is one game I would like to play but I can't find any site that sells it: Samurai Champloo The Game (love the anime!).