Saturday and weekend!

I woke up really early today, 10 a.m. I'm supprised myself. So in about 2 hours I'll start walking to the train. I've almost packed everything necessary. This morning I've just listened to a lot of great music. You know what? KAT-TUN is releasing a new single: Change ur World. And the preview is just GREAT! The new song will be out on 17th of November! Soo looking forward it :-)

Since I'm going to stay at my brothers place this weekend I've made some back-up. I've got some movies to watch tonight. You know what it is? I wanted a classic movie so I've got Lord of The Rings. Well I'm not a fan of Science Fictions but I loved those movies when I was small and I haven't watched them in years. So tonight will be a film marathon!


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