On the road....
Morning! Right now I am sitting on a bus to the Capital; Stockholm! Today I am going together with the other hairdressers and makeup artists to watch at Prince Eugene's apartment and also a clothecollection of Lars Wallin. Afterwards I have about 3 hours of freetime. That means SHOPPING! So my first stop is of course Science Fiction Bokhandeln! I have backed up with alot of money.
Tomorrow I get fast internet which means: pictures! I am going to write about all the stuff that has been happening!
Ja Ne~
Feels kinda boring to write something without being able to upload a lot of photos, I have so much to show up, but since my internet is so slow, I can't upload pictures until the 1st of June, So please hang on until then, because then I will write soooo much! :-)
oh btw, yesterday was my last day with ordinary school days. We washed about 200 dolls (you know headdresser's practice dolls), and the whole saloon got cleaned up. And for today, I hade gradetalk with my teachers in math, swedish and physical education, and they were good. :-)
Next week will alot happen, a fashiontrip/shoppingtrip to the Capital Stockholm, a trip with my class for some swimming or such things, my kendo examination for 3rd Kyu and alot more!
Ja Ne~
Hello, today is saturday, not much going on. Both my parents left early so I found the house empty. Not that I mind exactly. So for the low update: my internet has reached it limit so it is so slow that it can't even upload any pictures. I had taken quite many pictures with my dad's camera that I wanted to show, but I quess that will have to wait. So for the later entries I can't upload any pictures until the end of the month but I will at least update a bit.
Ja ne~
Turning 17 :-)
Soo, I am turning 17 today, feels kinda wierd. I can't believe I am turning 17, wheew. I don't wanna grow up yet! Haha soooo, this day has been great, quite but good! Have gotten sooooo many congratulations from ALOT of people. That made my mood go skyrocketing!
I just got some awesome present from my mother and father that I just gotta show you! Have to get hook on a camera though.
So well, hope you have a great day aswell! :-)))

Kinda think that this picture from New Years Eve, explains my feelings right now! :-D
Picture Design
I am trying to learn how to use GIMP, so that I can remake my blog, I think it is just way too plain and a bit to colorful, also my header is really boring. But I guess it will take quite some time, but someday hopefully!
This is the first picture I tried to design, Yuh from Vistlip.

What a lovely day!
It feels just some wonderful, the past 3 days has been such stormy with all the spring storms but today the weather is really lovely! Today I have no plans at all actually, and that feels great! I think I am just going to blog a bit, maybe clean up my room, and maybe be good with doing my homework. Wellwell, not that much to do, I will see what the day will bring! =)
I am right now in school. Had a math test just an hour ago. I am 95% sure that I am going to fail... Wellwell, today I have kendo practice so I won't have time to update much more, but hopefully I have time over tomorrow to be able to write about something funnier. :-)
Big changes
Well, maybe not that big for you as a reader. But right now I am trying to make the links easier to find. For example you see these links right above the entries. I want it to be easier for you to find the different subjects etc. But the problem is when you get to the different sites, everything looks hoolabaloola, in other words: A MESS. But I am working on it bit by bit. It is quite hard since I am not an expert on HTML-codes but I am learning while trying so there will be changes now and then! I am also translating everything into english, since the blogg used to be in Swedish. So this will take quite some time, but please bear with it! :)
I hate needles <\3
I went to take my syringe against cancer today, I truly hate needles. Especially this one called Gardasil. Last year I took around 7 or 8 syringes against different diseases, and viruses. But the Gardasil is the worst one ever. That one hurts like hell T.T. Now I have taken the last one of 3, I think... T.T

Hello everyone, I am truly sorry that I have not blogged for such a long time. I feel quite a shame! Wellwell a lot has happened during this time. Some good things and some less good. So now I am back on track, and I have quite much to tell you. But one thing at a time! And also
it really cherises me that I have gotten so many new readers and aswell quite many followers from the past. That really makes me happy, since I have not blogged for a couple of weeks but I saw how many visitors that have read my blog.
Thank you!Well to start I am so happy that I got my computer back. Some of you might remember that it broke down in July. Hehe, yep that was quite my own fault as well... But like 10 months afterwards it is back! Haha gosh I almost cried tears of joy. Honestly, and now I might sound like a total creep, but the computer is like my other half. Haha.
So yesterday my dad followed me to my Kendopractice only to take the role as a photograph. I really hope that the photos turned out to be good, because then I will publish some of them. Oh and also, I just gotta show you some pictures of my new Bogu that I got 2 weeks ago. I loooove it!
Now I can run around the neighbourhood pretending that I am some federal samurai! =DSo for now I am going to bed but tomorrow I will write some awesome entries for sure! =D

Sportsbreak! ^_____^
Oh yes, it's finally here,
Sportsbreak! Sweeeet. Everything feels great! I thought about staying up all night watching some anime och drama,
but of course I fell asleep around 10 P.M :c But wellwell, I had a night's good sleep and now I am free from school for about 13 days or so. BANZAI! This break I am gonna try to blog more than usual (like I never do-.-') So if you have something specially that you want me to write about, just write it to me!
Ja Ne~

Studying ._.'
Gooooood evening! Hope everything's good for you. Right now I am studying. I have a math test tomorrow and a book analysis that I haven't even started with (because our teacher gave us a deadline that is impossible to keep! >_<)
Except for studying I am listening to some new songs and recharging my mp4 that have been out of battery for quite some time. Hehe :-D I tried to upload some videos from Youtube but it seems that they have taken away the HTML-code that I need to post in the entry. :c
So for the rest of the evening I'll be studying for tomorrow. But that will also be the last day because then I have a sports holiday! Yaaay, even though everyone else outside Västerås had it this week and will be in school when I am at home. Hähähä :-D
Well, I am off to studying math again, and mean time I am watching something to motivate me to study. Hohohoh :-DDD

Kouki must really be the hottest guy on two legs, hahaha!
Ja Ne~
Happy Valentine!
Happy Valentine everyone! Hope you have a really sweet and nice Valentine. For me I don't celebrate since there's no one I hold dear, but instead I eat all of the left over mountain of cookies. Mhm.. Cookies! Hahaha even though I almost puked them out because I ate to many! Well ,well.
Happy Valentine once again!<3
Heey guys. I know the blogging has been awful. Well that's because school, homeworks and test takes upp ALL my time. Luckily I figured out that this is the first day I haven't had anything to study on since I first started High School. Amazing...
I think I'm becoming a human again, and hopefully I get my life back (since my parents, best friends and school mates) all say: " Alex, you sure got NOLIFE!" And I am like, well thanks for noticing THAT!
Wellwell this weekend I am gonna rest up as hell but I have to update you about everything that has happened this past week.
Meanwhile, here is a random picture for you on my puppy, Iza, but her nickname is: The Monkey. I tried dad's camera out and I think the quality of the picture is quite great.

Hi! As Usually I haven't updated anything the past week, I haven't been feeling so well and my family have also been sick. I also don't have any computer that's good to blog with. But I have quite many topics to write about. All the stuff I have bought and all the nice and cool presents I got from my mother when she arrived from Puerto Rico. I also have her camera so hopefully I can get decent pictures instead of those blurry cellphone pictures.
I still have lessons until 14:10. But the last lesson is a test on perms and such things. So afterwards when I come home I have to study some math until the test tomorrow but I will update as much as I can and feel like! :-D

Good morning..Evening!
Woke up just a short while ago. I had so hard to fall asleep so I went to sleep 07:00 am this morning. I hav had this intense headache since yesterday that just won't go away. So now I better get started with my math studies. I finished drawing a picture for artsclass yesterday as well, took me almost 4 hours. But I'm pleased with it ^_^
I'll gotta study now, but I'll update with something more fun later on! ^_^
Today I went over with my dad to my grandpa's house. I was there for like 6 hours or so. During that time I fixed Grandpa's dog's fur and my Grandpa's sister's dog's fur as well (hahaha kinda complicated!) And I also did cut my Grandpa's hair. My Grandpa's sister's hair as well as my brother's hair. And I also dyed my brothers hair back to black.
Yesterday I cutted my dads hair, so I cutted 4 people and 2 dogs. The money's are floathing! Hahaha.
Afterwards I got expert help with math of my brother since he's a mathgenius. LUCKY! ^_^
New Years over.
Well well. Haven't blogged any at all since a week ago. I've been just so busy. But I have planned to update a lot today. I have had about 3 shopping sprees this week and have bought quite a lot! :-) So I'll show you later on with that!
Today's plans:
- I really have to clean my room. Yeah it's pretty messy and disgusting. ._.'
- Study. I have a math test coming up and prepare for my Japanese course that starts again. I also have to prepare some pictures for my Art teacher.
- Maybe watch out some anime or drama that I am still watching. Gosh. There are still so many unfinished.
Well well, I better get started!
Merry X-mas
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you have a really good time with lots of food, snow, presents and a christmas mood! Myself is celebrating this christmas att my uncle and aunts place. So the update might be a bit low. But I hope you a really good X-mas!

Last day of School.
It's last day of school right now. We were supposed to have ESTVERK (music, dance, theater) but our teacher didn't show up. So now we have like 3 hours before next class (kinda sucks).
But hey it's the last day so I'm in kinda good mood. We have a really big test coming up later this afternoon and I'm gonna study,
I think... Well for now I think I'm gonna try to design something new for the blog. Cuz' it feels so boring, all just black. But I'm not a master of header designs either.
In the evening I'm also thinking of going to my old school with my best friend Amanda, just to chat a little with old friends and teachers.
OH and also. On sunday I was trying to up-grade in Kendo. AND IT WAS SUCH A SUCESS. I was SO nervous since the other practices felt so bad but I'm just so happy right now! :-D
Well well see ya later on :-)
Here's some old picture :-)