Good morning..Evening!
Woke up just a short while ago. I had so hard to fall asleep so I went to sleep 07:00 am this morning. I hav had this intense headache since yesterday that just won't go away. So now I better get started with my math studies. I finished drawing a picture for artsclass yesterday as well, took me almost 4 hours. But I'm pleased with it ^_^
I'll gotta study now, but I'll update with something more fun later on! ^_^
I'll gotta study now, but I'll update with something more fun later on! ^_^
Postat av: The J-Rock Kitten
Hahaha det är konstigt, det längsta jag varit vaken till är typ 7 .. Och det var på en helg xD Jag har aldrig varit vaken till 10 som du ... Hahah och wow, jag e inte den ända som varit osocial på sommarlovet xD Jag badade knappt något alls förra sommaren!!!! Hahaaha, vilket sammanträffande LOL
Postat av: Sofia
Can you put the picture you painted on your blog? :)
Postat av: Sofia
And forget the blogadress that followed the last comment, it's my sisters