Hello! The Blogg server has been delayed so I haven't been able to blogg, but now it works and over the weekend I'll try to upload as much as possible. I also have quite much pictures to show you!
Then, my day. Hmm.. It was kinda plain but quite fun also. First period was math and after that Swedish. We got our test back and I got an VG+ For those who don't know have the same gradesystem it was like an B or a 4. Well I'm not wuite satisfied since I didn't do my best. Alot of small things I could have done better. Well well.
After that it was time to shake the body. Cause' for P.E we had ZUMBA dancing. Oh gosh. It was so much fun, almost as fun as the pain I'll feel tomorrow!

Then, my day. Hmm.. It was kinda plain but quite fun also. First period was math and after that Swedish. We got our test back and I got an VG+ For those who don't know have the same gradesystem it was like an B or a 4. Well I'm not wuite satisfied since I didn't do my best. Alot of small things I could have done better. Well well.
After that it was time to shake the body. Cause' for P.E we had ZUMBA dancing. Oh gosh. It was so much fun, almost as fun as the pain I'll feel tomorrow!

Dying my hair.
Well, right now I'm dying my hair. Before I had my platinablond hair with black sides. But I've grown tired of it and now the hair has become darker. Well not as dark as black. But a warm brown with high lights. I've just putted on the dying for highlights so I don't now the result yet. But I'll give you a before and after picture!
Meanwhile I'm eating dinner (yeah I know it's like almost 11.p.m) made out of asian wook! It's great. Well um, I'll show you a picture as soon as I can!
Meanwhile, here's a gorgeous picture of:
Atsushi Sakurai (Yeah, I love guys with long hair, haha!)

Meanwhile I'm eating dinner (yeah I know it's like almost 11.p.m) made out of asian wook! It's great. Well um, I'll show you a picture as soon as I can!
Meanwhile, here's a gorgeous picture of:
Atsushi Sakurai (Yeah, I love guys with long hair, haha!)

Mail surprise!
Not also did the mangas arrived. But so did my Playstation 3 games also!
I bought:
- Grand Theft Auto: IV, Platinum
- Avatar: The Game
- MX vs ATV: Unlimited
- Mini Ninjas
Oh, I'm so gonna play night and day now ^_^! <3
My old computer is working!
Yaaay, my computer is working again, well at least my old one, I haven't used this PC for quite awhile, since I bought my Mini Laptop last year. But now I got the internet to work on this one and that means I'll be able to play all my favourite games once again. I am so gonna download Fiesta to this computer. Oh gosh I love that game<3
Right now I'm burning over some files from the PC to a DVD-R CD and I'm looking into all the old picture that I have saved for years! Haha :-)
I also have some pictures taken for the last couple of days, but I'll upload those later. Instead here's a picture:-)

( I really love his haircolor, it's just pure great!)
Right now I'm burning over some files from the PC to a DVD-R CD and I'm looking into all the old picture that I have saved for years! Haha :-)
I also have some pictures taken for the last couple of days, but I'll upload those later. Instead here's a picture:-)

( I really love his haircolor, it's just pure great!)
In school
I'm still in school. I've just finished a test in Computerknowledge and now I have English class. Since I'm already finished all the worksheets and all of the other quests I'm using a computer to work on my book review. After Class I only have to subejcts left. MT and Math. And at 13.50 school ends. And since my Japanesecours has ended for this term and won't start until week 5 or 6 next year I can go home straight after school. Oh home sweet home. I'm dead tired from only 6 hours of sleep for the past 3 weeks. I even fell asleep at the library several times yesterday before the Kendo, haha!
But tonight I'll go to sleep early and before that I've got to study. The following 2 weeks I have 2 test coming up, English and ARL.
But I'll update when I have more time and are at home!
Cya :-)
But tonight I'll go to sleep early and before that I've got to study. The following 2 weeks I have 2 test coming up, English and ARL.
But I'll update when I have more time and are at home!
Cya :-)
Today's plans
Okay, hmm today's plans are first morning practice, I'll be leaving in about 25 min or so. Afterwards my father and I are going to our countryside house in Surahammar. He's going to fix something for mom, can't remember what. And when we're back home. I've to study and clean my room, closet and desktop. So today aren't anything special happening, the same as usually.

Found an old picture from like 1-2 years ago? Kinda miss my black hair, but I've been blond quite along now. We'll see when I dye my hair again. I don't even dare doing it. After all the bleach my hair has started broken down.

Found an old picture from like 1-2 years ago? Kinda miss my black hair, but I've been blond quite along now. We'll see when I dye my hair again. I don't even dare doing it. After all the bleach my hair has started broken down.
My New Nails
Yeah, so finally I applied my new nails. I totally love them but, the cellcamera totally sucks. Oh gosh how I wish I had a better camera...

Well, the nails are black, with white flowers and "spets" with pink stones!

Well, the nails are black, with white flowers and "spets" with pink stones!
Oh, today sure was a great day. Got to school around 7.40 a.m. Started class around 8.10. We only chatted about what we're supposed to do for the next lessons. So well, we finished the cutting part that we weren't finished with, for about 20 minutes or so. Afterwards we took a break and our teacher offered us some bakery. When we finished the break we went in to the saloon next door to receive a manicure for about 1 hour. That was just awesome. My nails haven't ever been this nice. When we were supposed to choose colour, my manicurist (that I gave free hands to) chose a clear yellow paint. Afterwards the result was stunning. I just realized my love for yellow!
Well later on I'll show you some hair-do's that I did in school last week I think it was, or monday.
Well later on I'll show you some hair-do's that I did in school last week I think it was, or monday.
At my bother's place
I'm right now at my brother's apartment.. And it took me 3 hours.... I took the wrong citybus so I sat on that bus for an hour before I got to the rright bus stop. Luckily my brother has two computers so I'm borrowing one. I'll update later cuz' now I'm going to watch a movie. See ya later! :-)
Good Evening, right now I've just finished packing my things. Tomorrow I'll take the train at around 14.03 to Västerås. I'm going to sleep in my 2nd brother's apartment. I have practice at Sunday but since there really is NOT A SINGLE train, I'll have to get there by tomorrow and then take the bus (or go with a practicebuddy's car) to the dojo. So I've packed down my airmadrass and sleepingbag. And the bag is heavy as hell...
But at least I'll get to my practice :-)
So for now I'm going to take a hot shower before going to bed. I fell asleep when I was reading manga. Haha. So I guess that's all from me today. But tomorrow I'll have more time to blog. :-)

But at least I'll get to my practice :-)
So for now I'm going to take a hot shower before going to bed. I fell asleep when I was reading manga. Haha. So I guess that's all from me today. But tomorrow I'll have more time to blog. :-)

Hilarious teachers, or what?
Hello! It must be that we on HV has the best teachers. You know what they did yesterday? We were supposed to hang out with the seniors of HV so since we are 150 girls and 1 guy, our teachers that is aswell only women. They made up and event for us. But it sure wasn't normal. They lead us onto the grassfield in front of the biggest mainbuilding and you know what they were wearing? They were all dressed as witches and they took out a musicbooster and started to dance on the lawn? AND EVERYBODY ON THE 3 FLOORS OF THE MAINBUILDING WAS WATCHING! Hahaha they must have thought that we were the retardparty. Well I do understand when everybody was dancing and singing: Stirr the pot, Stirr the pot. Pick the mushroom, Pick the mushroom. Well we also did play a few games and I was sacrificed as the only freshman, hahaha! But we won ^-^
Well and today. I came to school in my soft outfit. And guess what? When I came to school. The Style and Trends, did a lot of different facemasks, handmassage and god knows what. But it was just so relaxing. It was like beeing to a spa in the school!
Afterwards the Hairdressers did a hairtreatment to the Style and Trends. And it sure was fun :-)

Well and today. I came to school in my soft outfit. And guess what? When I came to school. The Style and Trends, did a lot of different facemasks, handmassage and god knows what. But it was just so relaxing. It was like beeing to a spa in the school!
Afterwards the Hairdressers did a hairtreatment to the Style and Trends. And it sure was fun :-)

Monday's Hairdresspictures.
Hi! Since I didn't have time to blog earlier this week. I've finally got my time to do it now instead! So I have already told you about "The Grinch Project" and before we did in class the Major's hair. But at the passed Monday I tried the main characters hair: Cindy Lou.

Well as you can see I did the hair a little bit to high and a little different, but I just didn't remember how she looked since it was over 1 month ago since we watched the movie. But except that I'm quite proud of my styling since I've never done anyting like that!
Since I'm already talking about hair I think I forgot to tell you about that I've finished about 2 weeks ago my vertical hairpiece and is now cutting on a profile instead!

(You can also see the verticalpiece in the background. I think it's great to start on a small piece so you learn how to control all the hair!)

Well as you can see I did the hair a little bit to high and a little different, but I just didn't remember how she looked since it was over 1 month ago since we watched the movie. But except that I'm quite proud of my styling since I've never done anyting like that!
Since I'm already talking about hair I think I forgot to tell you about that I've finished about 2 weeks ago my vertical hairpiece and is now cutting on a profile instead!

(You can also see the verticalpiece in the background. I think it's great to start on a small piece so you learn how to control all the hair!)
Good morning! I just havn't had time to blog. I've been just sooo busy all the time. Yesterday I were in school, afterwards I studied 3-4 hours, and then had kendopractice. So when I came home I was just so tired that I went to sleep. And today I'll probalby won't have time either since I've eveningcourses. But maybe I'll have time when I'll come home.
I had just an horrible nightmare you know what it was? I dreamed that I shaved my head. Oh gosh how horrible >__<
Well seeya later then!
In School
Hi! I'm still in school and the weather is just horrible. Gosh I walked to the trainstation with my big and heavy practice bag and shinaibag. Just when I arrived to the trainstation it started raining, lucky! Hope it will just disappear before I go to the Dojo, or maybe I should take the bus for the first time? Hmm... let's see about that later on.
Now I only have 2 lessons left: English and ARL. Nice! :-)
See you later!
Now I only have 2 lessons left: English and ARL. Nice! :-)
See you later!
New week
Good Evening. New week again. I'm dead tired. I haven't slept much at all so I need to go to sleep soon. But tomorrow I won't start school until 11.00. Well that sure is nice! Tomorrow it's also time for Kendo, lovelovelove!
How's your day been?<3
How's your day been?<3
New Design
Hi, as you might see there's a new design on the blog. I designed the header for a very short time today when I was waiting for the train. Well it's not so professional but I must say that I'm very satisfied with it either way!I thought that a black background would be so boring and "too much dark" but I think it worked out just fine. What do you think? :-)
Hi, came back a few hours ago. I've been at morningpractice and it went really well. It was so fun as usually ^-^

After that I left my cellphone at reparation since it's something with the battery. So meanwhile I got myself a new phone. It's also a LG but its a KP900 cookie-pink.
My oldphone:

The new one:

And after that we went to our summerhouse in the countryside. It was supposed that some of the woods were cut down. But now it was ALL gone. It's was truly terrible to watch since I really loved the old forest. :-(
And back at home I made a dessert, applepie. It was delicious ^-^ So later on this day I'll study som Japanese and watch the 3 final episodes of Boys Before Flowers.

After that I left my cellphone at reparation since it's something with the battery. So meanwhile I got myself a new phone. It's also a LG but its a KP900 cookie-pink.
My oldphone:

The new one:

And after that we went to our summerhouse in the countryside. It was supposed that some of the woods were cut down. But now it was ALL gone. It's was truly terrible to watch since I really loved the old forest. :-(
And back at home I made a dessert, applepie. It was delicious ^-^ So later on this day I'll study som Japanese and watch the 3 final episodes of Boys Before Flowers.
Playstation 3 gaming
Instead of watching movies I decided do edit my e-mail-posts. I had thousands of e-mails that I deleted. I did also move over pictures and music from my computer to my cellphone. So now I have a lot of new music to listen at. ^-^
But after that my father came home with alot of new games to our new playstation 3 (that he bought together with a 50" LG LCD FULL HD Tv, 1 ½ week ago!)
First I played Mini Ninjas, IT WAS SO AWESOME, I enjoyed it so much. You run around and fighting as a ninja against samurai's. Haha, it was just pure epicness!<3

The next game I played was: Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Storm. The 2nd mission was so difficult >_< But it was also fun! :-) I haven't either seen the anime or reading the manga, but the game was good.

After that one I played: Rag Doll Kung Fu. It was also fun, nothing special to tell about it. You're using a stick to fight your opponent. That sure was fun :-)

And the last but not least game I played was: Ninja Gaiden Sigma. THAT WAS ALSO COOL! You run around as a muscular ninja guy, that can run on walls and the fighting was great, so many attacks. The game was feeling very real.

Now you might know what kind of games I like ^-^ But there is one game I would like to play but I can't find any site that sells it: Samurai Champloo The Game (love the anime!).
But after that my father came home with alot of new games to our new playstation 3 (that he bought together with a 50" LG LCD FULL HD Tv, 1 ½ week ago!)
First I played Mini Ninjas, IT WAS SO AWESOME, I enjoyed it so much. You run around and fighting as a ninja against samurai's. Haha, it was just pure epicness!<3

The next game I played was: Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Storm. The 2nd mission was so difficult >_< But it was also fun! :-) I haven't either seen the anime or reading the manga, but the game was good.

After that one I played: Rag Doll Kung Fu. It was also fun, nothing special to tell about it. You're using a stick to fight your opponent. That sure was fun :-)

And the last but not least game I played was: Ninja Gaiden Sigma. THAT WAS ALSO COOL! You run around as a muscular ninja guy, that can run on walls and the fighting was great, so many attacks. The game was feeling very real.

Now you might know what kind of games I like ^-^ But there is one game I would like to play but I can't find any site that sells it: Samurai Champloo The Game (love the anime!).
I'm just soooo exhausted. Had a preparation on Copper-test, where you have to run and run and run on a certain time. Afterwards I had to walk all the way home. But hey now it's weekend, right...? : D I'm sitting and designing on something special, you'll recognize it sooner or later. And afterwards I'll watch Boys Before Flowers, only 7 episodes left T.T. It's just so good.<3
What's up with you folks?:-)

^Look what I found in the archive! Over a year old picture from when my hair was black (Had it for 3 years!) and almost red (it disapperad ;o). Oh I loved my haircut cuz' it was so nice to have it short, but now I want my platinablond hair to grow out long and nice! :-)
What's up with you folks?:-)

^Look what I found in the archive! Over a year old picture from when my hair was black (Had it for 3 years!) and almost red (it disapperad ;o). Oh I loved my haircut cuz' it was so nice to have it short, but now I want my platinablond hair to grow out long and nice! :-)
In School once again...
Hi! I'm still at school. We're supposed to have lunch but the lunchroom is over-filled with people, you really can't get trough, so we're waiting until 12.30. At 12 o'clock we have P.E and then my weekend starts! Woohoo!
So since it's friday, what am I supposed to do? Hmm... Maybe some drama, and anime! And of course Kendo at Sunday! :-D
How is your weekend looking like?
So since it's friday, what am I supposed to do? Hmm... Maybe some drama, and anime! And of course Kendo at Sunday! :-D
How is your weekend looking like?