Moscow, Russia
I'm stuck in the Russian airport. Got here around 2 hours ago. It's kind of boring but good thing there is free internet while waiting. It's 1 hour left before my plane to Tokyo is departing. I was so lucky when I took the other plane from Arlanda Airport in Sweden. Just before they were letting people on the plain they called my name in the speakers and it turned out that they had changed my seat. I got replaced to the luxuary class and I was offered lunch, drinks, snacks what I wanted without even having to pay for it. How nice ain't that?
Other than that I don't have that much to tell. I'm really tired since I've lacked alot of sleep the previous nights and having to just sit around and wait really makes you feel drowsy. Now there's only 9½ hour on the next plane before I arrive in Tokyo. Apparentley it's really hot. That's quite a change thinking of how much it has rained in Sweden the past few days.
I feel excited even though I'm tired and when I arrive in the morning at 10:20 to Narita Airport I still have quite a journey to my home in Shiki. I will have to take the Kensei Skyliner (always wanted to try it before ^_^) to Nippori which takes about an hour. Then change to Jr Yamanote Line to Ikebukuro which takes about 20 minutes and from there change to Tobu Tojo Line to Shiki Station before having to walk to my home. I'm so afraid of the skyliner, metro and such stuff since I have never ridden those before except the metro which I still don't really understand.
Wellwell, now I'm off to Tokyo once again and we'll see when and if I arrive and will be able to use my computer again! I'm so looking forward to this ultra cool airplane that flies the long routes!
Other than that I don't have that much to tell. I'm really tired since I've lacked alot of sleep the previous nights and having to just sit around and wait really makes you feel drowsy. Now there's only 9½ hour on the next plane before I arrive in Tokyo. Apparentley it's really hot. That's quite a change thinking of how much it has rained in Sweden the past few days.
I feel excited even though I'm tired and when I arrive in the morning at 10:20 to Narita Airport I still have quite a journey to my home in Shiki. I will have to take the Kensei Skyliner (always wanted to try it before ^_^) to Nippori which takes about an hour. Then change to Jr Yamanote Line to Ikebukuro which takes about 20 minutes and from there change to Tobu Tojo Line to Shiki Station before having to walk to my home. I'm so afraid of the skyliner, metro and such stuff since I have never ridden those before except the metro which I still don't really understand.
Wellwell, now I'm off to Tokyo once again and we'll see when and if I arrive and will be able to use my computer again! I'm so looking forward to this ultra cool airplane that flies the long routes!
Packed up
Now I am finally all packed and done, can't believe how I got sooo much clothing and stuff into my suitcase and it isn't even full yet. Not only that, it only weigthed 18-19 kg and I have up to 23 kg. Usually I'm always over the limit even though I'm only traveling for like 1-2 weeks. Even so, I'm going to throw alot of stuff away before returning aswell so it will be fine!
Tomorrows the big take off so I believe I won't be able to sleep tonight either!
Då var man äntligen klar med packningen, fattar inte hur jag lyckades packa ner så himla mycket kläder och grejer i väskan och den är inte ens full. På det så väger den endast 18-19 kg varav väskan väger mer än 5 kg bara den. I vanliga fall så väger min väska alltid mer än tillåten vikt redan på nervägen haha! Men men sen slänger jag även en hel del grejer där nere innan jag kmr hem också så det löser sig! Imorgon åker jag så jag lär inte få mycket sömn inatt inte!

In the background you can also see my awesome katanas, that I got as a present on my birthday, now I'm able to be a real samurai! >:D
Tomorrows the big take off so I believe I won't be able to sleep tonight either!
Då var man äntligen klar med packningen, fattar inte hur jag lyckades packa ner så himla mycket kläder och grejer i väskan och den är inte ens full. På det så väger den endast 18-19 kg varav väskan väger mer än 5 kg bara den. I vanliga fall så väger min väska alltid mer än tillåten vikt redan på nervägen haha! Men men sen slänger jag även en hel del grejer där nere innan jag kmr hem också så det löser sig! Imorgon åker jag så jag lär inte få mycket sömn inatt inte!

In the background you can also see my awesome katanas, that I got as a present on my birthday, now I'm able to be a real samurai! >:D
2 days left!
Only 2 days left now and it really feels like the days are going in slowmotion, I've been in such a huge tristess that I almost gone insane, or so it feels like. Well today I went to the bank in Västerås and got my japanese Yen that I ordered last week and also got my pictures taken for some kind of ID card I think it's supposed to be for. Anyway less than 2 days left before I move, I got some travel fever like 2 days ago. It doesn't feel quite real that I am finally going to fulfill my dream off moving to Japan. I've dreamt about this day for sooo many years and now it's just around the corner. So yeah I'm quite nervous, this is my first trip all alone so I hope it will go smoothly. Now I'm off to finish my packing and I'm not sure if I will blogg anything before arriving in Tokyo, so we'll see!
Nu var det väldigt länge sen jag faktiskt skrev på svenska, men jag kände för det så. Nu är det alltså bara 2 dagar kvar innan jag flyttar och uppfyller min dröm. Jag har nog inte riktigt greppat det här heller, känns så overkligt på något sätt. Det är trots allt första gången jag reser helt själv, tidigare har det iaf varit med någon kompis åtminstonde. Men förhoppningsvis flyter det på bra under resan. Var till banken idag och hämtade ut de japanska Yenen som jag beställt. Det blev 135'000 Yen som motsvarar nästan 13'000 sek. Ska ha det till bl.a. mat, transport och nöje, men sen har jag lagt undan en summa på kontot ifall jag spenderar alldeles för mycket där nere. Tog även foton ur en automat som jag fick papper om ska medtas, tror det är något ID korts liknande eller möjligtvis pendlarkortet. Men men, nu ska jag försöka fortsätta packa. Har inte gått så bra eftersom jag är världens segaste på att packa och skjuter gärna upp det! Vet inte riktigt om jag hinner blogga något innan jag anländt i Tokyo och inte heller när jag isf får tag i internet, så vi får se!

Nu var det väldigt länge sen jag faktiskt skrev på svenska, men jag kände för det så. Nu är det alltså bara 2 dagar kvar innan jag flyttar och uppfyller min dröm. Jag har nog inte riktigt greppat det här heller, känns så overkligt på något sätt. Det är trots allt första gången jag reser helt själv, tidigare har det iaf varit med någon kompis åtminstonde. Men förhoppningsvis flyter det på bra under resan. Var till banken idag och hämtade ut de japanska Yenen som jag beställt. Det blev 135'000 Yen som motsvarar nästan 13'000 sek. Ska ha det till bl.a. mat, transport och nöje, men sen har jag lagt undan en summa på kontot ifall jag spenderar alldeles för mycket där nere. Tog även foton ur en automat som jag fick papper om ska medtas, tror det är något ID korts liknande eller möjligtvis pendlarkortet. Men men, nu ska jag försöka fortsätta packa. Har inte gått så bra eftersom jag är världens segaste på att packa och skjuter gärna upp det! Vet inte riktigt om jag hinner blogga något innan jag anländt i Tokyo och inte heller när jag isf får tag i internet, så vi får se!

Norway Part 2
So here's another bunch of photos from the trip. Starting off where the first entry ended!
The next stop on the Journey was in Steinkjer. We lived with some relatives that I think was my grandfather's sister and husband. It came a lot of relatives to visit, but actually, I don't even know who they are, haha. Some of them I have never even met, and some I don't even remember since haven't seen them since I was 4. So these pictures are taken from the balcony of where we were staying!

We went to the country side to this "farm" or what I'm supposed to call it. It was really nice weather and very hot. They sold some really expensive home made marmelade and such stuff. Nothing to exciting.
After that we went to a graveyard that laid on top of a "hill" on the highest point of Steinkjer. And once again I don't even know which grave it was that we visited.

Afterwards we went to a place that I don't really know how to describe. But they hade Roosters and Hens but also Piggys :D

We also went to a place by the ocean outside of Steinkjer.

The picture of the crab was taken by my father that just couldn't stop his childish acts of playing around with it. :)
The next stop on the Journey was in Steinkjer. We lived with some relatives that I think was my grandfather's sister and husband. It came a lot of relatives to visit, but actually, I don't even know who they are, haha. Some of them I have never even met, and some I don't even remember since haven't seen them since I was 4. So these pictures are taken from the balcony of where we were staying!

We went to the country side to this "farm" or what I'm supposed to call it. It was really nice weather and very hot. They sold some really expensive home made marmelade and such stuff. Nothing to exciting.
After that we went to a graveyard that laid on top of a "hill" on the highest point of Steinkjer. And once again I don't even know which grave it was that we visited.

Afterwards we went to a place that I don't really know how to describe. But they hade Roosters and Hens but also Piggys :D

We also went to a place by the ocean outside of Steinkjer.

The picture of the crab was taken by my father that just couldn't stop his childish acts of playing around with it. :)
Angel Sanctuary
Finally I got my hands on the Angel Sanctuary DVD. It has a license which makes it really hard to get. It's the anime OVA version and you will have a hard time trying to find a site that has it and allowes you to watch!

Bought quite alot of manga a couple of months ago, really cheap. And here's a bunch of those!

The series are: One Piece, Snow Drop, Fushigi Yuugi, Model, Kare First Love, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Love Hina & Princess Ai!

The series are: One Piece, Snow Drop, Fushigi Yuugi, Model, Kare First Love, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Love Hina & Princess Ai!
Norway 2011
So here's finally the pictures from my trip to Norway with my dad and grandparents in 2011. It was a roadtrip so we were basically in the car most of the time for 10 days! I took around 1400 pictures on this trip so it is alot to sort out. I will try to post the photos in the right order so we'll how that will go!

This picture is taken at Åre in Sweden. We stopped on a really cool restaurant that had the view all over "Åre-Skutan" (the lake).

We found this motorcycle outside the restaurant with a really cool minicar as a trailer!
For 9 hours we went by car, except the 4 stops along the way (you know norwegians likes to take breaks and eat alot). For the first night we went to live in a Cottage in Sveg which is quite near the Norwegian border!

I saw a really big Bear Statue in the center of Sveg!

These photos were taken down by the lake next to our Cottage!

This picture is taken at Åre in Sweden. We stopped on a really cool restaurant that had the view all over "Åre-Skutan" (the lake).

We found this motorcycle outside the restaurant with a really cool minicar as a trailer!
For 9 hours we went by car, except the 4 stops along the way (you know norwegians likes to take breaks and eat alot). For the first night we went to live in a Cottage in Sveg which is quite near the Norwegian border!

I saw a really big Bear Statue in the center of Sveg!

These photos were taken down by the lake next to our Cottage!
Had a huge test last week on all of my knowledge in japanese, it was soooo~ hard. So as a last part of the exam I had to write an essay in japanese with different topic! I finished 5.a.m this morning, just gonna say; I _hate_ the grammar! But at least now I'm at least finished with it.

It's now not even 3 weeks left until I'm going to JAPAN! Woooo, feeling excited atm. But before that. It's Uppcon on friday and through the whole weekend!! >;D

It's now not even 3 weeks left until I'm going to JAPAN! Woooo, feeling excited atm. But before that. It's Uppcon on friday and through the whole weekend!! >;D