Turning 17 :-)
Soo, I am turning 17 today, feels kinda wierd. I can't believe I am turning 17, wheew. I don't wanna grow up yet! Haha soooo, this day has been great, quite but good! Have gotten sooooo many congratulations from ALOT of people. That made my mood go skyrocketing!
I just got some awesome present from my mother and father that I just gotta show you! Have to get hook on a camera though.
So well, hope you have a great day aswell! :-)))

Kinda think that this picture from New Years Eve, explains my feelings right now! :-D
I just got some awesome present from my mother and father that I just gotta show you! Have to get hook on a camera though.
So well, hope you have a great day aswell! :-)))

Kinda think that this picture from New Years Eve, explains my feelings right now! :-D
Jang Geun Suk - Let me cry
Jang Geun Suk released a new single, and I have been posted some of his songs in earlier entries. But this time he sings in Japanese even though he is Korean. And I can tell you that the song is just sooo good~
Find his other song here!
Find his other song here!
Night star
I'm not a big fan of K-pop (or J-pop either though). Just randomly I found a hilarious talkshow which SHINee attended in. When I watched it a couple of weeks ago, I laughed through the whole show! There are 4 parts and each one is about 15 minutes. I can say that it is so worth watching even though you don't like the band, cuz' the whole concept is just awesome!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Asian Sushi Bar
きの は かずえさん, まさよさん, ソフィアさん と レストらン に すし を たべました. ほんとう に おいしかった です と たのしかったです!
Trying to write more and more in japanese, but there might still be some defaults in my writing (I am still a beginner though). So what I am trying to say is that yesterday I went with my japanese teacher Kazue-san, and my former Japanese teacher Masayo-san and Sofia to Asian Sushi Bar. It was the third time I ate sushi and this resturant is my favourite, it is small, comfortable, relaxing and the vegeterian sushi is awesome! It was so delicious and we sat there talking for 2,5 hours! It was really nice, I recommend the resturat to every sushi-lover that visits Västerås. You can find it next to the mall, Gallerian! =D

Trying to write more and more in japanese, but there might still be some defaults in my writing (I am still a beginner though). So what I am trying to say is that yesterday I went with my japanese teacher Kazue-san, and my former Japanese teacher Masayo-san and Sofia to Asian Sushi Bar. It was the third time I ate sushi and this resturant is my favourite, it is small, comfortable, relaxing and the vegeterian sushi is awesome! It was so delicious and we sat there talking for 2,5 hours! It was really nice, I recommend the resturat to every sushi-lover that visits Västerås. You can find it next to the mall, Gallerian! =D

Picture Design
I am trying to learn how to use GIMP, so that I can remake my blog, I think it is just way too plain and a bit to colorful, also my header is really boring. But I guess it will take quite some time, but someday hopefully!
This is the first picture I tried to design, Yuh from Vistlip.

This is the first picture I tried to design, Yuh from Vistlip.

What a lovely day!
It feels just some wonderful, the past 3 days has been such stormy with all the spring storms but today the weather is really lovely! Today I have no plans at all actually, and that feels great! I think I am just going to blog a bit, maybe clean up my room, and maybe be good with doing my homework. Wellwell, not that much to do, I will see what the day will bring! =)
4minute - Heart to Heart
I know that this video has already been published on some other blogs, but it is just such a great song, even though I don't listen to K-pop! :-)
I am right now in school. Had a math test just an hour ago. I am 95% sure that I am going to fail... Wellwell, today I have kendo practice so I won't have time to update much more, but hopefully I have time over tomorrow to be able to write about something funnier. :-)
Big changes
Well, maybe not that big for you as a reader. But right now I am trying to make the links easier to find. For example you see these links right above the entries. I want it to be easier for you to find the different subjects etc. But the problem is when you get to the different sites, everything looks hoolabaloola, in other words: A MESS. But I am working on it bit by bit. It is quite hard since I am not an expert on HTML-codes but I am learning while trying so there will be changes now and then! I am also translating everything into english, since the blogg used to be in Swedish. So this will take quite some time, but please bear with it! :)