Asian Sushi Bar
きの は かずえさん, まさよさん, ソフィアさん と レストらン に すし を たべました. ほんとう に おいしかった です と たのしかったです!
Trying to write more and more in japanese, but there might still be some defaults in my writing (I am still a beginner though). So what I am trying to say is that yesterday I went with my japanese teacher Kazue-san, and my former Japanese teacher Masayo-san and Sofia to Asian Sushi Bar. It was the third time I ate sushi and this resturant is my favourite, it is small, comfortable, relaxing and the vegeterian sushi is awesome! It was so delicious and we sat there talking for 2,5 hours! It was really nice, I recommend the resturat to every sushi-lover that visits Västerås. You can find it next to the mall, Gallerian! =D

Trying to write more and more in japanese, but there might still be some defaults in my writing (I am still a beginner though). So what I am trying to say is that yesterday I went with my japanese teacher Kazue-san, and my former Japanese teacher Masayo-san and Sofia to Asian Sushi Bar. It was the third time I ate sushi and this resturant is my favourite, it is small, comfortable, relaxing and the vegeterian sushi is awesome! It was so delicious and we sat there talking for 2,5 hours! It was really nice, I recommend the resturat to every sushi-lover that visits Västerås. You can find it next to the mall, Gallerian! =D
