Black & Silver
Here is and old but simple nail art design that I did around new years eve I think. Recentley I have been doing a lot of nail extentions that random people have said that they like em'. A shame though since I forgot to take pictures of it.
They are a little unstraight but I guess you get the idea anyway, I blame it on the fact that I'm still a beginner . :-)

They are a little unstraight but I guess you get the idea anyway, I blame it on the fact that I'm still a beginner . :-)

My New Cellphone
I finally got a new and working cellphone last week. Got it as a random present from my dad. I got really happy since it was my first touch with surf. I have always paid my own cellphones and bills, so this made me really happy! This is how it looks but I am using the blue scale atm with the Bleach strap that I showed in an earlier entry! I love it!

The Wallflower & X-Kai
Figured out that I have been buying sooo much stuff this month. Most of it is manga and anime and not to mention the 6 pairs of heels. I better be careful if I'm gonna afford the other things I have planned.
So on monday I got a package with the first volumes of The Wallflower and X-Kai. As some of you might remember I wrote about a year ago a entry about the Wallflower or Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge, one of my favourite animes.

So on monday I got a package with the first volumes of The Wallflower and X-Kai. As some of you might remember I wrote about a year ago a entry about the Wallflower or Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge, one of my favourite animes.

Kiss no akusento
Bought volume 1 & 2 of Kiss no Akusento on a auction on the internet last week. The thing is that they are in Japanese so I figured that it might be quite a challenge to read it in Japanese, but what the heck, they only cost me 46 SWE KR ( approximately 4.5 Euro) so it wasn't that much money. We'll see when I will read them. It's good to read some extra since my japaneseclass got canceled this semester since we were so few participants. Oh well, I need to work on it by myself instead!

Pokemon HeartGold
It was quite a while ago, but I finally bought the Pokemon HeartGold version. Would rather wait a year or so instead of buying it when it was released. Got it as a payment from my dad when he had to borrow some money and as a thanks. I played out the first region and I'm on the second one. I love how they put in two regions in one game because usually the game is practically over when you beat the Elite 4. But not this time, after beating them you're able to move on to the next region and fight your way trough that one aswell. Haven't been playing the game for a couple of weeks. Maybe I should play some later!

It's sportsbreak here in Sweden and it feels so good not having to go to school for a whole week! The past 4 days have been quite busy. Saturday I went on a tshort cruising to Åland over the day. It wasn't the most exciting trip or so you can say. The bus to the harbour took 3 hours and there were a couple of noisy adults on the bus that had been drinking for a day or so and just couldn't be quiet. On the boat we bought a little in the tax free or rather dad bought alot of candy >:-D. But on the bus ride home there was a really big argument and it ended with the police arriving. Wow so much drama for only like 12 hours?
Well other than that I have been training as usual and finally I am not the only girl in the club. Yesterday we got a new female kendoka!
Tomorrow plans are to work in the Saloon the whole day and stay overnight at my grandpa's place. Need to work for some extra cash, cuz' this month sure haven't been cheap!
It's sportsbreak here in Sweden and it feels so good not having to go to school for a whole week! The past 4 days have been quite busy. Saturday I went on a tshort cruising to Åland over the day. It wasn't the most exciting trip or so you can say. The bus to the harbour took 3 hours and there were a couple of noisy adults on the bus that had been drinking for a day or so and just couldn't be quiet. On the boat we bought a little in the tax free or rather dad bought alot of candy >:-D. But on the bus ride home there was a really big argument and it ended with the police arriving. Wow so much drama for only like 12 hours?
Well other than that I have been training as usual and finally I am not the only girl in the club. Yesterday we got a new female kendoka!
Tomorrow plans are to work in the Saloon the whole day and stay overnight at my grandpa's place. Need to work for some extra cash, cuz' this month sure haven't been cheap!
Bleach Cellphonestrap
Got this awesome cellphone strap with motives of Bleach yesterday, like that it is 10 different pictures of characters from the anime/manga.

Checked the mailbox and I got a package! Inside it was the mousepad that I bought last week with motives from one of my favourite manga/anime: NANA.

At Elina's place
Im in Eskilstuna right now over the weekend. Visiting my best friend Elina, we're going to the bowling hall at around 9:30 p.m. The plans until then, watch a movie or something. Don't have anything special to write about. Bought a couple of shoes today at nelly's. Going to show those later on!
Have e nice weekend!
Have e nice weekend!
Black & White
Got some time over at lunchbreak and went downtown to fix an errand at the bank. So since that didn't took so much time I figured that I could take a look into New Yorker. With me back out was a cute bag and these lovely shoes.

Couldn't decide which colour I liked the most, so I figured out that it was best to buy both so that I didn't have to feel bad picking one over the other!

Couldn't decide which colour I liked the most, so I figured out that it was best to buy both so that I didn't have to feel bad picking one over the other!
ScReW - Brainstorm
Since ScReW is coming to Uppcon (and I got a seat for it!) I thought it would fit to post a PV: Brainstorm.
New Header
As you can see, the design is a mess but I'm working on it. Didn't have a concrete ideá of how it should look so I'm trying around. But I got a new header as you can see at least and I'm pretty satiesfied with it, since I don't know how you usually edit pictures and stuff. I'm on my way to fix the rest but now I atleast know a little bit about how it should look!
Can't even remember when I wrote the last time, but now like half a year later I've got my inspiration back, and I have looooooaaads of stuff that I wanna write about! And I shall also try to re-design my blogg, but I just need to come up with a need ideá for it. So we'll see!
But the greatest thing I wanna tell you guys is: I'M GOING TO TOKYO! Yes indeed! Got my approval from my parents at last! Even though I'm turning 18 in a few months. But at least they got the financial up covered! I'm sooo happy and excited. I will be leaving during the summer and stay there for about 4 weeks to study since I have to get back until the school starts again. And to top if off even better: I'm going to Uppcon this year, got my ticket a couple of weeks ago and Screw is coming. I can't wait!

Can't even remember when I wrote the last time, but now like half a year later I've got my inspiration back, and I have looooooaaads of stuff that I wanna write about! And I shall also try to re-design my blogg, but I just need to come up with a need ideá for it. So we'll see!
But the greatest thing I wanna tell you guys is: I'M GOING TO TOKYO! Yes indeed! Got my approval from my parents at last! Even though I'm turning 18 in a few months. But at least they got the financial up covered! I'm sooo happy and excited. I will be leaving during the summer and stay there for about 4 weeks to study since I have to get back until the school starts again. And to top if off even better: I'm going to Uppcon this year, got my ticket a couple of weeks ago and Screw is coming. I can't wait!