Today's plans

Found an old picture from like 1-2 years ago? Kinda miss my black hair, but I've been blond quite along now. We'll see when I dye my hair again. I don't even dare doing it. After all the bleach my hair has started broken down.
Fiesta, lovelovelove<3

Well it takes about 1 hour to download it so meanwhile I'm watching TV. Which I NEVER usually do. But I found that Chanel5 is sending Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets, so now I'm watching it.

Last day of the weekend, as usually the weekend just flies away before your eyes. Soo, the plans for today are:
- Dye my mom's hair, and put som highlights in it.
- Clean my bedroom.
- Clean my hair and make up room.
- Clean my desk, can barely even put any things on it.
- Fix my eyebrows and nails (gosh the eyebrows are a disaster).
- Study: todays plans are studying Math (I have a test in Tuesday) and also Japanese ( memorize the Katakana and refresh some Hiragana).
And after all that above I'm going to play Fiesta. It's a manga roleplayinggame that I tried out yesterday, it got me addicted. What's your plans for the day?
Morningpractice sure is great!
Hope you have a good sunday! :-)

Snow, Candy & C K-T
I hope you have a nice evening, as well :-)

Lolita23q - Mikansei Sapphire
My New Nails

Well, the nails are black, with white flowers and "spets" with pink stones!

The doll was quite bold at the top haha, so it looks kinda messy. The curlers are also supposed to be "forgotten" in the hair!
Vistlip is a visual-kei band formed in July 2007. The band is made of 5 great guys. They have released two mini-albums (Revolver in 2008 and PATRIOT in 2009) and several singles such as Sara (2008), alo[n]e (2008), drop note. (2008), -OZONE- (2009), STRAWBERRY BUTTERFLY (2010), HAMELN (2010).
The bandmembers are:
Tomo on Vocal.

Yuh on Guitar.
Umi on Guitar.
Rui on Bass.
Tohya on Drums.
Here are some of my favourite songs by the band:
For more information about the band click here, or visit their website.
Hairstyling by Kayla Nguyen
I really like this hairstyle, it's not to complicated to do, and it's elegant! Maybe I will try it some day. :-)
Hairstyle by Alex

Afterwards I tried to make a "Bow-hairstyle" but since I hadn't done anything like that before it kinda turned out wierd :s

Well later on I'll show you some hair-do's that I did in school last week I think it was, or monday.
Yukiumi - Royal Hime
Golden Leopard:

Preciousa Bow Hearts


Friday, studies on the way!
So today's plans are uhm... Studies! I have to do some math and Hiragana/Katakana. When it comes to Hiragana I think it's going really good. I have memorized a lot (but of course I have a lot left to memorize), but I'm always so slow to memorize things so it takes som time before I can remember them. And soon I'm done with Hiragana and are about to study some Katakana also! Well we will see about how that goes!


The protagonist, Yukimura Chizuru, is the daughter of a doctor who works in Edo. The father leaves Edo to work as a volunteer doctor and moves to Kyoto without his daughter. As time passes by, Chizuru starts worrying about losing contact with her father, so she decides to go to Kyoto in search of him. On the way, Chizuru is attacked by few criminals and witnesses a fight between an oni and the Shinsengumi. Taking her into custody and saving her, the Shinsengumi debate on what to do with Chizuru when they discover that she is the daughter of the doctor they are also looking for. So they decide to become Chizuru's protectors and help her look for her father(the doctor). Lots of events happen while she stays with the Shinsengumi, as they discover mysterious secrets and also fight against the Bakumatsu group. The story is overall romantic with a historical and political background.

For more information about the anime: Click here!
If you wanna watch it, you can find it: Here!
I've become ill, I have catched a cold after Sunday's practice, so I haven't blogged anything. Bt instead I have listen to alot of great movies and watched a lot of anime. Hoho ^_^ So here you'll have one of my new favourite songs.